Tuesday, April 15, 2014


With warmer weather arriving we were out and about several days over the last week or so

A picnic table out on the beach
Whoa..........it will be fun digging it out of the sand

Of course Gwennie had to have a quick dip in the lake

Nice to be wearing a jacket instead of the big bulky down coat

Melting snow brings big puddles

Poor ol' Susie
Every day we think this is her last day but she keeps surprising us
We keep saying she is 20 

Ipperwash Beach
Cars drive out on the beach
Must be packed during the summer months

Getting some exercise!!!!!!!!!
She is weighing in at 59 lbs

Bing is soooo wanting to go outside
Last Saturday we took him to the cottage for the day

Kitty stayed away for a few days
Happy to see her again
My friend Kathy named her 'Camper"
She isn't as jittery now
Will let me walk by her without running away

For some reason or another Bing started to check Gwennie out
Gwennie tolerated him!

We tell her every day how beautiful she is

We hitched a ride over to the island with  neighbours/friends
Ray and Diana

Not very much ice in the river
on that particular day

What do we have here???
When we left in September the boat 'roof' had not been built
Showing off Ray's handy work
Well done Ray!!!!

We'll soon be here to stay 
We hope!!

When we left we did not get to see the sunflower in full bloom
I'm sure the birds had a good feed

Diana and I went for a walk around the island
Had to dodge snowdrifts from time to time

Waiting to go back outdoors

A good view of the new boat roof
It is amazing
We will be able to sit out on the dock
Will enjoy the cool river breezes without the sun beating down on us

A pair of loons stopping by on their way north

On our way to Chatham for a haircut
Don't know why but this horse caught my eye????
Maybe it is the nice red coat!

Camper had a friend come to visit
Looks like they  might be related?

This 'mean' guy came for a visit too
Lots of noise
Lots of fur flying.........white fur
We shooed him away
Maybe he is the King of the castle??

Back to the island last Friday
First boat load of the season

The Captain of the boat

It looks soooo bare

Lots of leaves sticks and branches went into
 the fire pit

Homemade vegetable soup made by Ray
Lunch on the deck on a nice warm sunny April day

One of our few canals that has water

When we were on our walk this past Friday I saw these spring flowers that were completely covered with oak leaves
I brushed them off
Ha....today they will wish I had not done that!

Our first sighting of deer


This was to be our last day at the campground
We decided to sit another day and wait out this lovely storm
We are heading to Connecticut tomorrow to visit with Joe's sister Alice and family
Surely the island will be open 
'for business'
when we return home


  1. More great photos and stories for your "returning to the cottage" series - 2013/14.

    I can't believe how much work you two go through to have fun ~ but fun, you do have!

    Enjoy the next several days in Connecticut with Joe's sister and family. I still remember, and appreciate, what the four of you did for Dalton when he was stationed in New Groton, CT. He has served in the US Navy now for 3 years 6 months. He and Sami will be celebrating their 10-month wedding anniversary next week.

    Stay healthy and happy, my friends, and keep in touch.

    Hugs to you and Joe,
    Marge (and Rod)

  2. This new blanket of snow we received this morning was just plain cruel !! Gratefully long range forecast looks more seasonal. Gwennie looks wonderful x0 such a dear soul. Happy Easter to you and the O'Rourke clan. Lots of love & hugs, please share with Gwennie.

  3. Once again you have taken some great pictures. Let us know when you are back & come for a visit. Janet

  4. More snow! It is indeed the winter that never ends. Have a great Easter weekend with family. Happy moving when you get back. We are almost home, too. Hugs...

  5. MOM! Beautiful photos!!! Love them all! Good one of Dad the captain :-) Have a good trip tomorrow and tell Alice and the Davids we say hello from AZ


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