Thursday, January 10, 2019


Missed this photo in the last blog
A typical California vehicle of the past

As we were walking along the cliff I saw this little guy
Oh Oh

I think Joe was looking for dolphins

Life looks good for this fellow!

View from the cliff at the State Park......Carlsbad
Next winter we are hoping to park the airstream there for a few days
What a sight that will be to wake up in the morning and look out at the ocean

Meet Winston
Rod and Stephanie's friend Ren is the owner of this very friendly, happy dog
Stephanie walks Winston Tuesday and Thursday of each week
I tagged along for the walks
Winston lives about five minutes from where we stayed at the RV park in Oceanside

We took a drive up to Yorba Linda to tour the Nixon Library
It so happened it was the National Day of Mourning for 
President Bush
The Library was closed
There was a book of condolence for President Bush which we signed

I remember President Nixon leaving on this helicopter from The White House
on that fateful day

Newport Beach

When we left the Library we decided to drive back to Oceanside by way of the coastal highway
We had lunch at Newport
We walked out on the pier
We drove along the coast which was beautiful but a slow drive
One town after another
We commented on all the shops
Wonder how they survive??????

So many houses built into the mountain side
It seemed they all had a view of the ocean 

An interesting story
One night an airstream came in beside us
Next morning I noticed the license plate
The gentleman was outside
I went up to him 
Shook hands
Where in Ontario are your from?
He then proceeded to say...…..
I know Joe and have worked on your airstream!!!!!!!
We bought our airstream at his dealership


There are bodies behind the rock

Meet Karen
Karen underwent open heart surgery when she was a 'youngster'
She has a signature move: rolling instead of walking
When we saw Karen she was sitting 'smack' up against the glass
Shooting through the glass was a bit iffy with the glass not being clean!
Wonder what Karen was thinking???

This pair were in the same enclosure as the Orangutans
Momma has a wee seven week old baby clinging to her body
Can you see the little arm?

Sun glasses please

I read later where one of the silver back gorillas was having surgery
Wonder if it was this guy?

We watched Momma and her baby
Up down 
Up down
Up down

 This lovely lady was 'meowing' when we came along to the enclosure
Her mate was sleeping at the time
He then lazily got up and strolled over to check her out 

When I first saw this dog sitting behind a fenced area I could not figure out why it was there???

I soon saw a cheetah in the same area????
I found out that they were companions
Dogs have a calming effect on cheetahs
About four years ago the zoo introduced a shelter rescue dog Hooper to a three month old cheetah named Amara
The two have been inseparable ever since


Here we are!!!!!
It's our shadow from the cable car
What a great day

We are at La Jolla Beach
Stephanie wanted us to see the seals
and have dinner at a favourite place of theirs
People everywhere.....
A few doing strange things...…
Taking in the beauty of the ocean and ending sunset

It was very hard to 'catch' a picture of the seals
Couldn't get over how people ignored the signs
to stay behind the barriers
Aimed my lens in the direction of seals and hoped for the best

Mr. Browning

On to dinner at Dukes

Our California days were coming to an end.....

Each day on our way to Stephanie and Rod's we would pass this tree with the Christmas decorations
We could always count on seeing many surfers as we drove along the coastal highway

on the road again...…………..

Up bright and early to avoid the traffic going around San Diego

The sun was coming up as we
headed to Apache Junction Arizona
Spent a few days at a KOA campground
Side trip to see our friends Ken and Devonna
Shared dinners and played euchre
We also had a real treat visiting with Mary and Al Irwin 
Fellow Canadians we met at Canyon Vistas RV Park
In Gold Canyon
As soon as Mary saw us she asked if we would like to stay for lunch and have waffles 

Yes please was our quick response
We had a grand time 

Many laughs
Many memories created once again

Kudos to these two cats
They had been in the airstream since November 15 when we left Penticton
Thirty six days down twelve to go

I was watching for this tree as we travelled from Phoenix to Flagstaff
The tree has been there for some years now
Quite a few added decorations

Flagstaff for Christmas

Christmas Eve dinner
A request to Papa from Beau

Christmas morning
Gwennie decked out in her Christmas dress is getting a hand from Kelsey

Bruce showing off his winter sweater!

Highlight of the 'grands' (Beau & Zoe) Christmas present
from their Mom and Dad


Zoe mentioned to her Mom that she would like a headboard for her bed
Mom mentioned it to her Dad and between the two of them drew a sketch of what they thought Zoe would like
Mom also mentioned 
it should be light in weight and a simple design

While in California Joe took over Rod's garage
Built a worktable and went to work
As everyone knows
Joe never throws away wine barrel stave scraps 
This is his creation!!!!

December 27, 2018
Happy Birthday Granny
Must say it was a wonderful day
This Granny was spoiled rotten!!!!!

On the road leaving Flagstaff on the 29th of December
Arrived home at 178 Murray Street
Chatham Ontario
New Year's Day

It's good to be home

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