Four weeks down and hopefully less than two weeks of 'winter' camping left
They say it is spring!!!!!
Not a lot to report in this blog
Mostly scenery and pet pictures
One afternoon we took a drive through
Kettle Point
In the foreground is Lake Huron
We were surprised to see this ol' sailboat
It would have been a beauty in its' day
Gwennie is making some noise as Joe reads the Airstream manual
I wonder what he is looking up.......
It could be a number of things!!
We were driving back to the campground from Forest when we noticed the sun going down
Turned the truck around so we could get
a better shot
As you can see the farmer's field is covered in ice
Woke up one morning to see Susie sleeping with Gwendolyn
The heat vent would have been the reason for the snuggling
A new purchase for the airstream
So far we've had chili and pork stew
Sure does the trick!!!!!!!
We met friends and their friends for lunch
I had my first pint of Guinness beer
Not as 'bad' as I thought it would be
Kinda warm though!!!!
Came across the geese
They were huddling near the open water
After lunch we all went to the Pinery for a walk through the woods
I have always had a fondness for birch trees
Miss Gwendolyn is one popular girl!!!!
Waiting for the RV repairman to arrive
He will hook up the new hot water heater
This is where we had the 'flood' when the old heater cracked
You might know Bing would be there
He doesn't miss a trick
I was making coffee
Joe was doing dishes
Gwennie was standing in the middle of us
The ice melted under the wheels causing it to roll backwards
It startled us
Gwendolyn went into a shaking mode
Joe now has to repair the tongue/post before he can crank it up
We drove down to the end of Ipperwash Road
In the summertime cars actually drive out on the beach
A few tundra swans coming in for a landing
Normally at this time of year there are thousands of swans at 'the bog' near Grand Bend
This is a stopover on their migration
Photo taken through the window
As I had mentioned in a previous blog there are several stray cats here at the campground
This kitty has found her way to our place
We have been leaving some food out for her
Also leave food out at night near the dumpster for whoever is around at that time
Kitty will not let me near her
I talk to her and she is starting to talk back
She will meow then grrrrrrs