Friday, March 14, 2014


Eleven days down and not sure how many to go?????????

Down at the HUB
Joe playing pool by himself

These two are never far from one another

Here's our TV
Right now we get 1 channel out of London
Tomorrow is a big day for us
Shaw Direct is coming to 
'hook us up'
We will use Shaw at the cottage as well

Up the road from the campground is
Kettle Point
A First Nations Reservation
There is a restaurant there called
Lucky Seven
We are planning on going there this evening for a pickerel dinner
Must say they also have really good butter tarts!
We met our son Curt and his wife Christina there last Friday night

We put out bread crusts for the squirrel 
Yesterday we bought bird seed 
Two birds came this morning

While we were in Corunna  this week we drove down to the river
It looks pretty cold over there on Stag Island
The island opens the first Friday of April
We'll see if the ferry will be running
If the water is turned on????

Well one of these day we'll have our little boat back at Pier 90

I took this photo for my son-in-law Rod and grandson Beau
As a teenager Rod played for the Mooretown Flags
Beau started  his 'hockey career' at the rink

Rod also played baseball
He's in the front row at left
To Rod's left is his friend Craig
Craig is married to our niece Chrissy
Small world

Tuesday was a mild day
Lots of melting snow big puddle!
It was a good day for us
The sewer was hooked up and we had running water in the trailer
Late in the day it turned from a good day to not so good a day
When we tried to fill the hot water tank with water we found it had a hole in it
The water came out of the tank and into the bottom of the trailer
We used every towel we had to mop up

It was actually warn enough that we were able to have the door open for awhile
The cats could get some fresh air

During the night a transformer blew
Some of the park was affected 
We happened to be a part of that
Fortunately the site next to us was ok
Maintenance got a long extension cord and hooked us up
While the power was still out we decided to go up to the Lucky Seven for breakfast is the only restaurant at Kettle Point and wouldn't you know they were closed for the day as the cooks were taking a course
I wonder if they were able to travel as we had another winter storm come in
By the time we got back to the trailer we were hooked up to hydro 
We had breakfast at home!!


The gray water backed up so we had more mopping to do 

It was soooooo cold
It was so windy
Blowing and drifting snow everywhere

We did have sun come in the windows on Thursday so that was nice for Gwennie
The wind was down and it was not quite so cold

On to today..................
Much warmer
Joe out with the shovel clearing the sewer area

Hydro arrived this morning to install a new transformer

Hydro was shut off for a couple of hours so we decided to go for a walk around the park
This is the HUB
We spend quite a bit of time here during the day using the internet
The past two evenings we have come down to watch TV

It looks like this guy and gal stayed out all winter

This guy looks more at home in the snow

Pretty soon happy laughing children will be sitting on the swings

We found another area where trailers 
would hook up
Rod's family came to Ponderosa years ago when he was a youngster
Once again
Small world
Who would have thought we would be here today?????

The stage used for concerts during the summer
What a fun park

Ah...........a Titanium
We had one a few years ago

There we are!!!!!!!

Lots of signs
These people must know Ken
They all have something in common

We first heard the bird
It is a red winged black bird
Come spring there will be many at the cottage

It is going to be awhile before these folks can get out their door

I would sure try out this slide if I were here in the summer

Gwendolyn loves the snow!!

Never did I think I would be wearing this ol' winter coat again
I kept it
Just in case!
It has to be at least 20 years old
It is down filled
Best Ever


  1. WELL. This is certainly an adventure for the two of you. So glad to read of the good days following the not-so-good ones. The cottage will seem HUGE after living in the trailer for a couple of months. Better days are coming...

  2. What a week it's been for sure !! Yesterday I'm sure with all that snow melting you were literally swimming eh ? ! Today we may be skating ! Gwennie looked like a wee polar bear in the snow, hahahaaaaaaa ! Welcome back to our area Dianne, Joe, Gwennie and kitties. Gary, Jessica & I camped in that park as well....ONCE....I'm not a camper....April is soon approaching ;) .......Much love & hugs,............lots for Gwennie please. xoxoxoxo

  3. This adventure certainly confirms your adaptability to any and all circumstances. I admire you so much for that and look forward to seeing you soon.


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