Friday, March 7, 2014


Fun on the hills

Fun at the basketball game and hockey game


It was time for another road adventure................

Ha......Story time 
Hunter is even in on the act

Ethan is taking Home Ec at school
He made potatoes skins for us
They were soooooooooo good!!!!

Fun times on the hill behind the house

We brought the air stream home late Monday afternoon
Tuesday packing day


Off to Ethan's basketball game
Tuesday afternoon

Graham helping out with the team

Next on the list for Tuesday was a hockey game
Boys against girls

So long until September
Always tough to say good-bye
Pulls on the heart strings
On a happy thought though
We will see them in July at the cottage

Some friendly ducks having bread crusts for breakfast

I bet I take this photo each time we head for Osoyoos

Oh hum..........
Such is life
The cat's bed sits in between Joe and I

We're into Washington State

Crossing over the Columbia River

We're on the pass
Road closed the night before due to fog

Now there's a cowboy!
We found a camping world so we could buy an extension mirror

I took this photo for my friend Marge
It reminds me of her husband Rod
He is tall
Wears jeans
Has a big hat!!!!

Good Morning world

Early morning sky overlooking mountains of Utah

See the little homestead?
Can you imagine living there????

Heading towards Cheyenne Wyoming

Oh no.......
The furnace went off in the middle of the night
We QUICKLY dressed in the morning
Bundled the dog and cats in bed with the down duvet
Headed to Denny's which was attached to the Flying J where we had spent the night
By the time we had had our breakfast and got back to the trailer the pet's water dish was starting to freeze over
Joe checked the propane tanks
Not the problem
Fortunately we found a RV shop that was open
The circuit switch for the furnace had broken
We had a new one installed then headed to the grocery store to load up on food since we knew we would be bunkered down for a day or two in Cheyenne

I attempted to take a picture outside our door
My camera lens was fogged over

This was a pretty sight outside the trailer!
Man oh man was it cold!!!!!!!

A happy site for us to pull into

Ha.....we were in business once again
Cats were smart to sleep right in front of the heat vents

Our first meal in the air stream

Hot tea steeped in our teapot
I had taken a photo of the teapot at the shack
It is from our set of dishes when first married
'She' has been around for a long time!!!!!!!!

We found an RV park that was open 
Ah.........we had our first shower since leaving British Columbia
What a luxury
Sunday morning we checked the weather forecast
Checked the cameras along I 80
Decided to start out
We had a good day traveling 7 - 1/2 hours
A shorter day than normal but were happy to be on the road again

So much tumbleweed along the fences

As you can see from the photos it was a cloudy day
It was soooo nice to see a beautiful sunset at the end of the day

When I looked in the mirror there she was!
I am telling you
She is the best traveling dog ever

Nice ol' barn

Our last night on the road
Stopped at a Flying J in Illinois
We were surrounded by the sounds of diesel engines running throughout the night

Oh boy
What a sight
When we saw the Michigan sign we knew we were almost home

You have to look closely but there is a baby deer in behind the bush
It was all by itself

Just about in Canada

There she is
The St. Clair River
Down about 10 miles is Stag Island sitting in the middle of the river
We'll be there in about 6 weeks if we're lucky

We arrived at Our Ponderosa campground late Tuesday afternoon
We do not have running water in the air stream
We are right by the washrooms and shower
There is too much snow to find the water line
We are booked here until April 15th

We are at Kettle Point

There she is.....
Miss Gypsy

We drove to Sarnia on Wednesday to do some errands
Checked out the island in Corunna
We have been told that there are a number of eagles in the area
Will have to check them out

We were inquiring about the cats at the campground
Apparently there are around 20 cats
Hopefully they are getting enough to eat?????

Must say we are happy and relieved to be here 
We are in the money..............
Have a cozy place
Have one channel on the TV
Have laundry facilities
Have each other!


  1. I always look forward to your blog, your pictures are stunning and your stories are great . Enjoy the camping

  2. wonderful images of home! you are making me miss Ontario as I read your blog here in AZ!

  3. Brr …. seems like all your photos have that white stuff in them .. hard to imagine being here in sunny Arizona where temperatures are mostly around 80 degrees. Enjoyed the tall, lean cowboy photo reminding you of Rod. Stay warm ~ Mss Gypsy looks rather lonely at the campground. Looking forward to more photos and stories of your adventures.

  4. I love the photos of your family (Graham, Lindsey and your grandsons). I know they will be missing you and Joe. Miss Gypsy looks very cozy but the snow looks awfully cold. :(


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