Saturday, September 24, 2016

end of the summer

Last night I attempted to send out a blog
Here is the mystery
I lost most of the photos and story?????

Today I will start over and see what happens

I have two rose  bushes at the little white house in Chatham
Roses are my favourite flower so it is a real treat to be able to cut one now and then and have it greet me in the morning at the kitchen table

The former owner of our home had planted beautiful gardens
Always interesting and intriguing as to what was popping up through the ground this past spring

Over the summer we split our time between our home and cottage
You can always count on beautiful sunsets on the St. Clair

We decided to take down the bird feeder at the cottage
Must say...........we saved some birds from the likes of Finnegan

The birds were not even safe in the big willow tree

This spring Joe had a brain storm of building a pizza oven 
He approached our good friend and neighbour Ray to see if he would be interested?????
Between the two of them and with the help of Paul from the log cabin the three of them put it into action

I had a few visitors to my cottage garden

You all know my friend Devonna and the other love of her life which is Lola
Well.......Lola had a baby!!!!!!!!
His name is Kingsley.......aka......King

Paul testing it out!

On to Vermont
St. Michael's College

We joined up with Stephanie Rod and Zoe
Stephanie and Rod were showing us 'the ropes' of camping
We have gone from cottage life to camping life

Mentioning cottage life
Joe and I made a big big big decision in August
We sold the cottage after being on the island for 37 years
Always a good time was had by family and friends
sign has a new home
It sits outside Zoe's International  Dorm

On the road again......
We decided to take the Canadian route west
It was breathtakingly beautiful driving around Lake Superior

Back seat sleepers


A little house on the Prairie

Good Morning
The alarm went off at 5:45 each day
Places to go
People to see
Scenery to take in

Coming into Battleford Saskatchewan
We were on a mission to find a locksmith in North Battleford

Door lock on Miss Gypsy shifted
The cats had been in the truck all day with no pee break
Litter was in the trailer
I am sure they were crossing their legs at that point in time!

We were in luck as far as finding a locksmith
Eventually after trying many different tactics
he had to drill out the lock
We were back in business


We have now reached our Alberta destination for Labour Day Weekend
Arrived at Northern Lights Organic Farm
Home of Dan and Louise Brister
The Brister family gathered to honour the life of Joe's sister
Mary Kathryn who died two years ago

Joe's second oldest sister Marion Brister's plaque was moved to the meadow where the plaques sit side by side

Tents were set up in the garage as well as the shed
Chilly at night
Frost welcomed us in the morning

Each evening we had a bonfire
Even did s'mores!!!!!!!!

Miss Gypsy kept us nice and warm
Morning time sharing Joe and Gwennie

Louise heading to the garden
We had great feasts
The root veggies were the best!!!!!!
Sooooo fresh

Meaghan and Allister

We went for a great hike

A little mushroom!

Funny story about Mamma cow and her baby
A farmer's cattle herd grazed on Dan's property
Mamma and baby were left behind one day
Farmer brought the herd back in order for Mamma to follow
She did not follow

Young love

Lean on me brother



Emily and Shawn


Bernard Jeanette and Dan
Heading out after a wonderful weekend spent with family

Heading to Jasper National Park for the night
Niece Meaghan and boyfriend Allister came along on the roadtrip from Peace River to Penticton
They shared the backseat with Miss Gwendolyn and from time to time Finnegan as he hopped from the front to back seat

Ha Ha Ha Ha
A pug doing it's whoa whoa whoa bark
Had it down pat with the head going back!!
You have to know a pug to get this!!!!!!!!!!!

We have arrived at the shack

Vineyard dog

Bing enjoying his freedom at the vineyard

Mr. O'Rourke sporting a beard
He lasted a long time
Tried really hard to keep it

Another vineyard dog
His ball is never far from him


Hockey season has started
First game last weekend

Checking out some turkey vultures

The home on the hill

Here goes
I hope I can publish this blog?!?!


  1. You did a great job as usual Dianne. It was wonderful reading...and great photos. Felt like we were with you...
    See you in Arizona. Ken

  2. Success never tasted sweeter ! Loved this blog and all the Canadian rich beauty of our vast country ! I feel like I'm part of this road trip each time and I never tire of it. You two and the pets have such an active life. It's no wonder you stay young ! I love seeing "our" Gwennie, makes me smile every time.

  3. Umm of course the upper blog was from me :

  4. I have missed your photos, your stories, and our 'chats' thru the blog. Welcome back. I loved it and am happy to be up-to-date on all the changes that have happened this summer. love you!

  5. These California Eyes LOVE the Canadian Eyes! Always enjoy traveling with you, Joe, and your furry friends. From sunrises for early bird travels to sunsets on the St. Clair, to flowers at your White House, to a newly constructed pizza oven, family in happy and sad times, to life in the vineyard, and all in between ... as usual ... your blog was outstanding! Keep up your fabulous travelog for all to enjoy as we travel vicariously with the O'Rourke family .... Joe, Dianne, Gwennie, Bing, and Finnegan.

  6. beautiful pictures favorite is of dad and Gwennie in the morning :-)

  7. Dianne, loved your blog. You work magic with your camera by capturing what most of us miss. I love that you caught King with his tongue out. Hugs to you.



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