Thursday, January 27, 2011


How fitting for this hike to be called
Bull Dog Canyon

Four dogs are in the story

Riley is waiting patiently for the hikers
to join him in the SUV

Such a sweet boy

This was our lucky day
Joe and I got to ride with Bonnie
and her dog Chino

Chino rode all the way
with her paws up front!
Not sure if the passenger
appreciated Chino in his space

Chino is ready, willing and able
to start the hike!

We had 39 hikers
Half the vehicles drove to the south parking lot
the other half to the north parking lot
We would meet in the middle
exchange car keys

I am wondering if these little
Teddy Bear Cholla
(jumping Cholla)
will catch with the ground
and grow to the size of the one shown here????

This is Prickly Pears
They are the most short-lived of all cacti
They seldom live more than 20 years

The Ocotillo
Each plant is a spray of spindly stems
"monkey tails'

You can see the tiny green 'leaves'
starting to sprout

I thought this Saguaro was interesting

We were not sure of the significance of the cans
which were tied with rope and hanging from a tree

We could hear him coming
Zoom Zoom

Then a few Quads came through

Coming round the bend
We were walking on sandy gravel for most of the
first half of the hike
It was like walking on the beach

We're on our way again after stopping for a
well deserved snack

The keys have been exchanged

Oh Oh
Chino has 'pickers' in his her paws

The scenery changed a few times
during the hike

Now tell me..............
Why would someone pile rocks like this?????

To our surprise this caravan of 6
jeeps were from our park
which is 25 miles away

There is something wrong with this picture
They drove
we all walked
6.6 miles!!!


When we arrived at the parking lot
around 9 a.m. we noticed
two dogs
One in particular came toward us
Must say we were a bit leary
as we were the first to arrive
and there was no one else around
At the time I thought they must
been dropped off

When we arrived back at the parking lot
Bonnie went in search of the dogs
with a jug of water in hand

This little girl was a bit unsure of us
She had quite a few 'pickers' around her mouth
and her feet

This girl came right up to Bonnie
She was very very gentle
She was also very thin

Doesn't this break your heart
We all came to the conclusion that the dogs
had been abandoned

I would have taken this girl home

Bonnie's husband stayed with the dogs
while she drove us back to the park
Bonnie returned with food
They then took the dogs
to the
Humane Society

At least we know they will no longer
be hungry or thirsty
and they will be warm
for now.........
I cannot let my mind go
any further than this

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Sunday afternoon

Sometimes on a Sunday we hear
a familiar noise
We then know
'they are coming'

Two para-gliders enter our space
Our theory is that they are ranchers
checking on a herd of cattle
that are in the desert

You can see the pilot using controls

This guy is looking right at the camera

They were all over the place
Gliding here and there

Gwendolyn was on the back deck with me
Looks like she is enjoying the sun
Ah.....feels so good on the face!

All of a sudden this guy came
travelling along the desert at a high rate of speed
The lovely Javelina came for a visit

Strange but interesting clouds


Monday afternoon

Championship volleyball game
being played at
Higley Highschool

Here are the grade 8 Tigers

Volleyballs everywhere as the girls warmed up

Practicing at the net

Katy's brother putting in time until the game starts

There's our Katy girl

Zoe girl

Team Spirit
Let's go girls

Both teams greet each other

Time out

Overhand serve

The girls are all smiles even though they lost
the championship game
First game 21 - 25
Second game 21 - 25

The girls played well
We are all very proud of their efforts

Always nice to end with
Katy and Zoe

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Here is the story behind the photos

Many of the photos have been
 'made into'
greeting cards

A heron on the old spiles
 St. Clair River

Just happened to catch this
fellow landing

The Masters

The hands of Mike Weir
our Canadian golfer
Mike would come home to
Bright's Grove for the annual
Bayer golf tournament
This particular year he
brought home
the green jacket

The boy

Photo taken at our cottage
I had quickly run outside with my camera
He came to the door
Granny..........what's wrong?????
I turned around

St. Francis of the Assisi
Taos New Mexico

We were traveling in Saskatchewan
Stopped at a gas station
A dog had his head out the window
When I talked to him
another head popped out
much to my delight!

Card titled

Here is Elliot
This photograph was used in advertising
books at
The BookKeeper Bookstore
in Sarnia

This photo is very dear to my heart
The vase in the middle of the table
was a wedding present to us
Candle stick holders belonged
to my Grandmother Garen
my Mother
my cousin Margaret

our Penticton grand dog

our Arizona grand dog
Goliath died of cancer

Our cats Susie and Elliot
I named this card

Texas Star

We had stopped at the Texas greeting centre

I titled this card

The twin towers
New York City

Grand dog Alice
A little yawn!

More grand dogs

Duggie and Zack Browning
Corunna dogs!


I took this photo of the rock
near Gales Ferry Connecticut
Four of us were out for a walk
in the woods with cameras in hand

Our son Curtis
Taken at Graham and Lyndsay's wedding
Tyax Lodge
Gold Bridge
British Columbia

The 'groom' was off in this plane to do a little
fishing before the wedding

"The Boy"
Behind the cage

American Fortitude
Going under the Bluewater bridge
Leaving Lake Huron
Entering the St. Clair River

One of my absolute favourite photos

Want a biscuit???
Gwendolyn, Alice, Angus

I love my water bottle!!!!

The 'young boy'

Granny, he called
I turned around
there he was


Sweet Marie
Granddaughter of a dear friend
Windsor, Ontario


My sweet Elliot

Tall ships at Sarnia harbour

The ol' gray bike at the cottage
The spider did an awesome job
of spinning a web

Late afternoon sun
on Stag Island

Evening sky over the St. Clair

Stag Island

Well, this was fun
I had a smile on my face
when each photo appeared
before me