Sunday, January 15, 2012


Last Sunday morning we hopped in the truck and drove to Scottsdale to WestWorld where we enjoyed hours at the horse show

We were surrounded by horses and dogs of all things!

What a pretty coat
I noticed when the coat was taken off it
was even quilted on the inside
Talk about a warm coat

One thinks it is winter
One thinks it is summer was chilly

Horses lined up.............
Waiting their turn

Up and over

This was a fancy tail

Came up to this English Bull
What a cutie....she was so friendly
I asked her name thinking it would be a pretty girl's name
was the name
Are you kidding me??????
Because she sheds so much her owner takes it upon herself to shave Porkchop's hair
Must say the fur sure was smooth
Gendowlyn sheds too but I'm not about to shave her!

Lots of pretty tops for the ladies

Do you see the mane of this horse?
Fancy eh
Interesting conversation I had with a lady whose daughter was riding the horse
Around the month of August they put an ultra violet light in the horse's stall
The light is turned on at 4 in the afternoon
until 8 pm
They trick the 'mind' of the horse to thinking it is still summer therefore the horse will not grow a winter coat
This particular horse did not have the light in it's stall
Since this was the case the horse wears a coat to keep warm when not performing in the ring


Mom giving her daughter a boost

Hey you

Another interesting tidbit
We were shown how a 'false' tail is attached to the horse's tail

All horses in the competiton sport a long tail
This tail is too long
If the horse backs up and steps on the tail it could cause the tail to come loose and fall off
No one wants this to happen
Very embaressing I was told!!!!

Setting up for the obstacle course

There were dogs everywhere
Must be the horse's companions

Time to go home


Horseshoes and spurs

I asked if the horses were nervous
Yes, she said
Some people put in a tight bit which the horse does not like

Waiting their turn

A horse reacting to the bit

Warming up the horse
Oh my
Where is her jacket?????
Don't know how she could be out there sleeveless and all

They had their own way of holding the reins

Going through the paces

Sitting outside a stall

This is a good way of getting up on the horse

Bling jeans

Cool spurs

A head and a tail


All about Quarter horses


Second in the competition

Time for the chaps
This gal's horse was awarded first place

There's that bit again


Checking out the rails before finishing up the course

The horse came up to the gate
Rider opened and closed the gate very gently

Nice view of the shaved hair
It's hair was like velvet when touched

Eating a carrot
Leftover went to the horse
Nice to see the cowgirl put on her jacket
It made me feel better since I was shivering

I wish we could have stayed for the day
we are taking Western dance lessons here at the park
had to be back home to get our cowboy boots on

Next morning  I was up early
The desert sky was beautiful
So peaceful

What a nice way to start the day


  1. I likes the grey one. There were no paints, my personal favorite. I thought the dog was gwennie! Jen

  2. Loved your photos and story. Wish I had known about the horse show. We enjoy doing things like that. Let me know if you hear about another horse show in the area.

  3. I saw a little bit of Boots & Butts in your photos! ha ha. I can tell by your photos you did not enjoy yourselves at all! Loved learning all the interesting tidbits about 'horse dressing'. We also love the dance classes. Thanks, Joe!


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