Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The carpenter was busy making a scratching post
out of a vine that wrapped itself around
a tree
He brought it home from Connecticut
some years ago knowing it would serve
a purpose at some time or another

One morning I heard such a commotion
I looked outside to see
many, many, many Canadian geese
flying past the cottage
Quite a site

On my way to Windsor I came across
vultures having 'lunch'
A turtle obviously did not make
it across the road

I stayed with my friend Sue
The next day we were invited to our friend
Anita's (Mugan) home for lunch
Our friends Donna Mae and Georgette joined us
We were missing our friend Janette who
was in Toronto at the time

Georgette was leaving for her last run of the day
Her little bus kiddies are so lucky to have her
as their bus driver

The hostess with the mostest
The lunch was
Mugan's speciality is butter tarts
We were disappointed there were no
we were served a yummy coffee cake
I must admit it was really, really tasty

Here is Mugan with Sue
Sue later came up to the cottage
for a few days
We had a great 'girly' visit

Here's Donna Mae
Friends for 46 years

Mugan's friend Casey
is packing up my rhurbarb
that Georgette brought me
I have planted it in my garden
and have pieces of rhurbarb
in the freezer
All for Joe

I think we have a heron here

I was sitting near the front window when out of
the corner of my eye I thought I could see
something going backward
Yep, I was right
The frieghter was going backward
and continued going down river
as far as I could see
Very strange to watch

This is my very favourite freighter
The Roger Blough
It is a beauty, has a distinctive 'toot'
and is a long, sleek boat with a 'rounded' stern
This is the first I have seen the freighter
on the river in two years

My friend Carole came over to the cottage
on Sunday afternoon and stayed the night
Anyone coming to our cottage
has to be an animal lover

The carpenter arrived home
Monday evening from spending
the past five days 
canoeing the lakes
in Algonquin Park
He has been volunteering with the high school
students for some 20 years
Our sons both went on the canoe trips when
they were in high school


  1. no pictures of the infamous canoe trip beard? jen

  2. Wow there's another woman outhere with the same name as me !! Dianne how blessed are you to have 2 Georgette's in your life :o) !! lol The kitty scratching post is a work of art....bravo Joe ! I love your blogs Dianne it has everything I love in it, critters, water, wonderful sceneries, friends and GWENNIE !!

  3. I didn't know Mugan made delicious butter tarts...next time you come to AZ, Mugan, I think we should test them out! Rod and I LOVE butter tarts!! The pic of Carole is funny, I didn't even see Bing until the 2nd time checking them out. Great pictutes, great friends.

  4. Me and animal lover! Animals and kids always seem to gravitate to me; must be my deodorant. Thanks Dianne the day on stag island was equal to a week at the beach


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